Friday, February 1, 2008

Lighten up

It seems to me that most of the posts I have read have been of a serious nature. I propose that once a week someone will post a joke or something funny. Life is to short to be so serious.

I will start.

It appears that a team in south central Kansas had an undefeated football team with only one game to play. Before the game the coach informed the star player that he had a failing grade in math, and unless he could bring it up, he wouldn't be able to play in their last game. The coach talked to the math teacher and the Principle and they agreed that if he could pass another quiz, he would be allowed to play. The coach was allowed to structure the test and administer it to the student. In the dressing room with all of the other players present, the coach asked a question, which was the only one the player had to answer correctly. The coach asked the player, "how much is 2 + 2" The player thought for a few minutes and finally said 4.
The rest of the team started yelling and moaning and said coach, please give him another chance.


Gary White said...

I heartily approve! (By the way, did the coach give him another chance?)

Unknown said...

Dick, I remember that incident as clearly as if it were yesterday. But as I remember, you answered "5"

Phil Foust said...

.. and the team cheered for the correct answer?