Sunday, March 2, 2008

Book-CV History

I've decided to take the time and see if I can figure out how I can be a contributor to Gary's CV blog. So this is a test run. While I didn't grow in CV, I grew up in what I would consider the extended CV community. Wife Nancy (Hankins) certainly has deep CV roots so perhaps I can be grand fathered into the CV bloggers group based on her childhood.

Upon reading the "Dating and Parking" confession's of CV own "Don Juan White", I was curious to see if I could guess who the individuals were. Alas...John, Maxine and Jane who apparently were very proficient in assisting Don Juan White in steaming up the car windows.

Anyway I started a search for a 50"s CV Log yearbook. I haven't found one yet. Probably in boxes we have not unpacked from our last move four years ago, or at our Colorado place. In my search however I did find a book that I had forgotten we had. It is a hardbound book an on the front cover it has "CV". On the inside it states "A History of Cedar Vale, Kansas. Published by the Cedar Vale Historical Society during the city's 105th anniversary, with partial funding by the Kansas Bicentennial Commission. Printed by Color, Inc. Wichita, Kansas - 1975.

I assume many blog readers have a copy of this book. However I thought their may be some who moved away and did not have any family connections in CV when this book was published and do not know of its existence. It contains early day history on the establishment of Cedar Vale; bio's of early old timers and many who have been mentioned in various blogs; short stories by many different authors, many that the blog readers would recognize. Lincoln Robinson was apparently the driving force in the production of this very interesting book.

I have no idea if they're any available copies. Perhaps some one associated with the CV museum might know.

OK..if this works, I would like to tag on to Jay's interesting comments about growing up on a farm in the 1940's.


Gary White said...

Well, Gary, you are welcome to guess who the co-conspiritors were in my parking escapades, but MY lips are sealed!

Yes, I think the 1975 CV History book is still sold at the museum. I got my copy at an online used book seller.

We are eagerly awaiting your contributions. Let is hear from you.

Phil Foust said...

Good start, Gary ...

DFCox said...

Yeah Gary, you're doing fine! Yes the Historical Society still exists, and yes, we still have copies of the centennial book for sale.
The building (L.C. Adam Merc) was accepted as Natl. Historic Bldg. and we are actively trying for a matching funds grant to be used in repairs to the building. It IS 105 years old.

Jim Robinson said...

You might check with Nancy Hankins for yearbook info.

Unknown said...

Gary, as far as I am concerned, you are as much a CV "native" as anyone else who writes on this venue, and you don't need to be carried in on anyone else's back. It looks like Jim Robinson is not aware who your wife is??

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I think Jim knows good and well who Gary's wife is. His comment is called "humor." Or am I wrong?

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I contacted Dorothy Haden at CV and bought one of the history books Gary mentioned. I gave it to my older son as a Christmas present since he has shown an interest in CV and his ancestors.

My grandmother (my mother's mother) was Debbie Helmick of the Jason Helmick family written about in this book. There is also a picture.

Nancy Goode Schmid said...

Gary, please tell Nancy hello, its been a very long time!

Unknown said...

I am eagerly awaiting the article Gary promised on growing up on a farm in the 1940's.