Friday, April 22, 2011

Hooser in Cowley County

For those who want to know (like there are hundreds out there!) here is the 1899 map of Cowley County, showing Hooser on the railroad toward Winfield.

1 comment:

Gary Metcalf said...

As I was raised about two miles from Hoosier,(this was the spelling as I recall), I can add a little info on Hoosier. In the 1940's era their was a train depot, a building that was the post office,living quarters and I think at one time it also was a general store, a large old school house that had a high bell tower, ( it was used to store hay in my day), a house were Joe Wesbrook lived, ( he worked for the Meldrum Bros) and the stock yard which was used for receiving and shipping cattle by the Meldrum's and Jarvis ranch. The train stopped at the depot daily with mail and I recall we used to send a five gallon cream can of cream to Winfield. George Prather was post master and mail carrier and my Dad was assistant mail carrier and would deliver mail by horse back when the roads were to muddy to deliver by car. I visted the area a few years ago, all that is there now is a house and the old stock yard pens. The rail road tracks have been gone for years.