Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This just in from Loyd Call

From  Loyd  Call     I moved into  apartment  9  
Cedar apartments   Mar. 11   2010.     [It is  located  where the  Grade
School  was  and is built with the brick from the old Grade School
15  Apartments]    
  Kenny  Marshall  has been Care taker for over 20  years. and we
are  celebrating  and we are getting together at  2.00  Feb. 22
to honor him.

1 comment:

Don Shaffer said...

Loyd, good to hear from you! I'm proud of Cedar Vale, re-using the
Grade School bricks, to build the Manor! I'm sure it is as comfortable as are our grade school memories!

Loyd, the next time you see Kenny, ask him if he remembers a red-headed kid, who lived next to the Marshall Service Station....and played "catch" with him on occasion!

I remember Kenny playing baseball. He was outstanding. Speed and power. I remember Grant Utt saying, "I can hit a ball as far as Kenny, and make it to second base. He hits for the same distance, and scores a HOME RUN!"

Hope to hear from you again, Loyd!
