Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Shoe Toss!

It's a Saturday night! Brings me back to past Saturday nights! One was at Sedan, Kansas. Why we were there, I have not the foggiest! But, there we were! It was a dance of some kind. The master of ceremonies said, "Let all the ladies throw one of their shoes into the center of the ring! When the bell sounds, let me best man win....the thrower of the shoe!" For some reason, I must tell you this story. Haven't told many. There was this girl. Her name was Jan. The pictures in the Leonard Theatre did not hold a candle to her! Infatuated with her? That would be an understatement! I would have launched a couple fo ships for her!

Well, the beautiful ladies threw their shoes. I followed Jan's shoe to the heap before me. When the master of ceremonies said, "Go get their shoe,!" I raced to the exact spot where I knew Jan's shoe had fallen! I grabbed it up, curious that others had not seen the flight of her shoe! I proudly grabbed the shoe and took it to its owner!

When happened next, will remain one of the low cycles of my life. Jan took the shoe, but her heart wasn't in it! I knew it. She knew it. We danced the first dance. That's about all there was to it.

To this day, I remember the valuable lesson I learned that day, "If the shoe fits, wear it....but if somebody doesn't want to wear that shoe.....leave it be!

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