Monday, March 8, 2010


In the past,I would regularly check the CV blog to see what new things had been posted. Now I only check it occasionaly because not much is being posted. I assume that mnay of you past readers and contributors are doing the same. LET'S DONT'T LET THE CV BLOG FADE AWAY. To many it's the only remaining connection to past schoolmates, acquaintances and experiences to that great little town in Kansas. Because we can't think of any additional memories we feel would be of interest to others dosen't mean there aren't many other items that can't be posted. What we do know is about ourselves. I for one would be interested in learning about your life after graduating from CV High. What do you chose to do; where did you go to college; when did you get married; about your family; what jobs did you have; where have you lived; what interesting experiences you have had; what trips and places have you been; what achievments have you accomplished that you are proud of, etc. Each reader and past contributor has had interesting life experiences that others would enjoy learning about. It dosen't have to be in one posting, but could be spread out over several segments of your life. SO CV BLOGGERS LET'S KEEP THE CV CONNECTION GOING.

1 comment:

Gary White said...

Thanks for your post, Gary. Those of us who started the blog may have about run out of CV memories to share, but the new readers surely have things to share. If you are not listed as a contributor in the panel on the right and you want to put up posts, email me at: and I'll invite you to join.

Meanwhile, those of us who are already listed could take some of Gary's suggestions and write about your life post CVHS. Inquiring minds want to know!