Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Comment Republished - Old Lumber Yard

This just came in from Don Shaffer and I doubt that many people are looking back to October, so I thought I would publish it. By the way, Gary started this blog...I just try to help keep it going.

Don Shaffer said...

Hello, everyone! Just got on the new CV Memories webpage! Great job, J.D.! Gary, I'm sure you are in on it, too!

It was a jolt to hear about the lumber yard. My Dad, Clyde Shaffer, was manager of the yard for many years. I spent many memorable moments at the yard, first playing among the rafters, riding wild, stick horses through the sand, hide and seek in the roofing shed.... and then, coming home in the summer from college, pulling weeds between the tiles! My Dad was a great teacher! Never get too big for your britches to prevent me from "real work," regardless of form! I'm going to stop there. Seems my eyes/glasses are misting over. No rain in sight. Must be something else. Check with you later!!!!!

1 comment:

Ruby Claire said...

You are really lucky that you have such a nice Father.

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