Monday, September 8, 2008

A Road Trip

In the days since Don Shaffer wrote about G. A. Beggs’ big day on October 4, I’ve been turning a rather insane plan over in my mind. Let me share it with you.

Elyn leaves for her three-week trip to Spain late in September and I will have that time by myself here in Santa Fe. I’ve been wanting to perhaps make a road trip and see some of my old haunts during that time. It occurs to me that, if I am out on the road during that period I might just drop in on G. A.’s big day. I even am contemplating taking Don Cox up on his query about someone giving him a ride to Fredonia that day!

So, a plan is beginning to form here. I would, for sure, want to visit CV and environs to visit places and people (those who are left, that is), take some pictures to post to the blog, visit my remaining relatives in northern Oklahoma, perhaps venture up to the north a bit to see some of that country, and maybe even cross back through Colorado to see some friends there.

I know that my armchair planning is easy compared with the actual stress of being on the road for a week or so, but here is fair warning, those of you who are still in southern Kansas—the bad penny may be returning. Don’t be surprised if I turn up on Main (Cedar) Street CV one of these days soon!


DFCox said...

Well my calendar looks reasonably clear for that Saturday. I am limited in time cuz I must have oxygen equipment with sufficient oxygen for the duration. I can easily carry enough for 8 or 9 hours. Maybe Diane B. would like to go??

Gary White said...

Sounds like a party to me! I have a little VW Golf and I wonder how we will fit everything in. Any ideas? I could leave my excess at your house in CV and pick it up when we return.

How about it Diane B.? Want to join two old goats for an outing?

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Sounds interesting. I'm sure the two of you would keep up a dialog and I could learn a thing or two.

Let me get in touch with you by email and by then I may have an answer.

DFCox said...

We can use my wheels. A Buick SUV, which hauls all my paraphanelia plus passengers.

Phil Foust said...

Cox and White ... motoring the Lady Diane about much of Southeastern Kansas ... just scandalous!

Gary White said...

Yes indeed, Phil, it's going to be a magical mystery tour for sure. We are making our plans, which include breakfast at Hilltop Cafe. What a trip back in time!

So, Don Shaffer, will we see you in Fredonia that day??

Don Shaffer said...

The plot thickens! I have not even cleared this with my wife!!!
However, I am already thinking of renting a pick-up truck, with enough room to put some of our Cedar Vale "band" people within, and making some "music!"

Now, take heart, we've got "enough" to make it GO! My chops are in fair shape. Your chops are probably better than mine! Irregardless of your chops, your presence is all that is necessary! And, I know that some of you still have chops! Wouldn't it be just great to play the Cedar Vale Fight Song? Come to think of it, I've forgotten what it was, but I bet one of you will remember!

I just went into the kitchen and cleared this with my wife! Let me tell you, my friends, we are on our way!!!!!! We need to select the music we will play! If I'm hearing a groan as to that possibility, what if we just march? If that's not possible, maybe we could enter our "vehicles" and wheel through the parade!!! I could check that out with the "powers that be!" All of you have ideas! Now is the time to let them be known! I haven't been this excited about an event in a long time! Seems it was meant to be! Looking forward to hearing from you. Come on now, Forward to Fredonia!!!!!

Gary White said...

Chops? What chops? I haven't even owned a trumpet in well over forty years! However, I can make a fool of myself as well as the next guy! I'll have a trumpet with me and I hope the valves will work!

Gary White said...


Couldn't Hallmark produce a banner for our "band" with something like "CVHS Band, 1952"? Just a thought.

Gary White said...

OK, Phil Foust, get the old T'bone out of the closet and start applying cold cream to the slide!

Gary White said...

May I be the first to take "dibs" on my part in this band? I'll take the 4th Bb Cornet (Flooglephonia) part, which I'll play using the late-great Prof. Harold Hill's "Think" system! About my speed, I would think.

Phil Foust said...

Like you, Gary ... I've not owned an instrument for 30/35 years. At the same time I believe the ideas that you folks are coming up with ... are wonderful. Mr. Beggs will be so pleased!

Gary White said...

Not owning an instrument is no excuse, Phil. I'm going to be there with a trumpet in hand. So, visit your local pawn shop and find a T'bone!!!

Gary Metcalf said...

Sounds like you guys are planning an outstanding event. It would be worth the trip to witness it. But with all the effort and lack of wind power from blowing on the "horns" be careful that you don't become faint and fall out of the truck.

Anonymous said...

It must have been a long time since so many old men have become so excited about anything. Gary is right, the strain may be too much for the old tickers.

Don Shaffer said...

Dear Anonymous! Just remember that Old Tickers never die, they just Keep On Tocking!"

Gary, you mentioned a banner. Good idea! Having retired from Hallmark, my contacts are depleted. Not to pass the buck, but DFCox, what about approaching the current CV Band Director and seeing if she/he would mind
"loaning" us something banner-type!? If you aren't comfortable with that, just give me the name and I'll contact the B.D. (Wouldn't it be great if there were some "old" band hats around that we could borrow, too!!!???) Is thinking Purple and Gold attire out of the question?
Don, who is included in the "little group" from CV? You can see that I'm thinking
"instrumentation!" And, Don, didn't you play baritone? I could get you one! I could send the mouthpiece early-on so you could get "in shape!!!!!! Gary,your "Fluglephonia" will certainly enhance the sound! Phil, I'll find a trombone for you if you will provide the best trombone player I've ever heard, YOU!
So, it's "Forward to Fredonia!"
P.S. Anyone know the CV Fight
Song / Alma Mater? BE THINKING about playing "When The Saints Go Marching In," in B flat! And, hold that THOUGHT!

Gary White said...

I begin to see that the "parade" from CV to Fredonia is likely to be larger than the parade in Fredonia itself. As for the Alma Mater, the CV alma mater was the standard alma mater hymn with CV words. I can almost remember a few of them, but not quite. As for the fight song, I'm sure it was one of the standard songs, but I don't remember it.

I sitting here THINKING about The Saints in B flat.

Don Shaffer said...

We're on our way! JUST KEEP THINKING!

DFCox said...

Beside the "Core Group" which is Gary W., Diane B., and myself, we have an enthusiastic yes from Coral Ann (Goode) Magnus and Judy (Foust) McCall. I think they were clarinette and tenor sax respectively. Shirley (Sweaney) Brown is a probable.

I didn't own the alto horn I played (too loudly) in the band. When I graduated I left it behind and haven't tuttled a note since. I wouldn't even remember how to valve. Um pah, um pah, um pah pah.

I'll try to find out about old uniforms or banners.

DFCox said...

High upon a hill so noble-
challenging the sky-
Stands a school above all others-
stands ol' CV High.

CV High we're all for you--
ever loyal and bold.
Fighting now and fighting ever-
for the purple and the gold.

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Phil - It just so happens that I know where a trombone is that needs playing. It is in storage in Newton and belongs to my second son, Thad. My other son and I would be glad to meet you and Pat in Newton and let you have it for the time.
It's some kind of professional model and although it is about 30 years old, I believe it has been treated right. I know it's a really good trombone but then nothing but the best for a musician of your status and expertise. I hope you'll take me up on this offer. Thad will not mind at all. He has a generous heart.

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

In my day, 1955-59. we sang the next to the last line of the Alma Mater..."Fighting for us, be victorious" Correct me anyone who disagrees.

Gary White said...

How could I disagree with folks with such long memories! It all sounds like fun to me, and having fun is what old age is about.

Don Shaffer said...

THANKS to YOU who remembered the tune, even the words, to the C.V. Alma Mater! And, thanks, Don, for keeping us up to date regarding the "instrumentation" AND for checking on uniforms, hats, banners, etc.! Regarding the "instrumentation," the names you mentioned, Don, are all "All-Stars" in their own right! (If I can find an alto horn, you could "improvise" carrying it! Let me tell you friends, October 4 will be a day we will long remember! No one need to worry about "how well they can play," it's only the "thought/think system" that truly matters!!!!!
P.S. #1: Phil, we NEED YOU!
P.S. #2: DFCox, indebted to you as we already are, would you mind sending me the name of C.V.'s band director, and maybe an e-mail,
phone, address, etc.? THANKS IN ADVANCE!

Phil Foust said...

Diane, thank you for your most kind and generous offer ... but Don, I believe I will take you up on bringing the trombone for me should it be convenient. My plans are to meet you all in Fredonia to honor Mr. Beggs. My lips will preclude little more than holding the horn ... but I am looking forward to the day!

Unknown said...

Gary, or Don, or Phil or anyone. Maybe someone could make a little home grown digital video of the Great Parade(the CV part) and somehow put it on the blog, or just email it to all of us.

Unknown said...

Gary, or Don, or Phil or anyone. Maybe someone could make a little home grown digital video of the Great Parade(the CV part) and somehow put it on the blog, or just email it to all of us.

Don Shaffer said...

Plans are progressing nicely! I have a little idea to pass by you!
What if...we had PURPLE t-shirts (perhaps over a white shirt)with GOLD lettering which would read...

Cedar Vale High School


....or something like that!!! I know! Probably gone over the edge! Just kickin' it around! Working on the music, now! Waiting to hear from Matt Fischer, band director at Cedar Vale if a copy of the Alma Mater / Fight Song,for each "keyed" instrument might be available. I could make copies for the number of band members present! O.K. I'll quit.
Just having a ball and that's really something because everything else in my life seems so "square!" Later!

P.S. Let me know what you think about the shirts. You won't hurt my feelings either way!!! But, think about it!!!!! :)

DFCox said...

I'd buy a t-shirt like that if they made it in circus tent size.

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I wish the students I taught at old Oxford High had had just a little bit of Don S's enthusiasm! And I think it's catching!

I volunteer to drive the pick-up due to my mobility problems. Or is marching the plan? I could follow in my own car - wish it was purple just for the 4th. (It's red.) The last sax I played was a tenor after playing bari sax in HS.
But I don't own one now.

I do have a quilting friend whose home town is Fredonia and whose mother is still there. Her twin brother has some kind of car-type businesss. I'll inquire if we could rent or borrow a pick-up for the parade if it would help. I've heard "no" before, but in keeping with this wave of positive thinking who knows? I'll volunteer to pay for it if you all think we could use it.

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Phill - I 'm glad you're going to the parade and I really don't care that you're going with the other trombone offer. We'll have fun if nothing else! Hope G.A. gets a kick out of it and enjoys seeing us!

Phil Foust said...

Tee shirts sound great, Don ... please make mine XL should that decision be made.

Gary White said...

Hey Don, I'll wear anything you guys can scrounge up. As I have said before, I can make a fool of myself as well as the next guy.

Still THINKING of The Saints Go Marching In here in Santa Fe, NM.

Anonymous said...

A pickup is not going to do it. You need several flatbed trucks at this point.

Don Shaffer said...


I've heard from Matt Fischer, C.V.'s band director! He is anxious to help us! He's going to get some music together for us, including the Fight Song (On, Wisconsin!). We could probably play that by memory...well then, on second thought! :) The Alma Mater is the "old standard one." No problem there! We'll have music, just in case!

Diane! Your great news regarding a pick-up was certainly a PICK-UP for me! I definitely feel we need to "march" with "wheels" rather than "feet!" A big thanks for checking it out. We could always get some purple/gold streamers and decorate the pick-up! Could you find out how many the pick-up will hold? Some of us might want to sit, while I'm sure others will want to attempt to stand!!! Anxious to hear what you find out re: the pick-up!

Phil, I have your trombone in hand! What a lucky trombone it is! When it finds out that "The Man" is playing it, nothing but golden notes will pour forth!

Good vibes on the tee-shirts!
I'm having a sample made. Send your sizes to me. And, DFCox, we have you COVERED!!! Any other ideas as to what to put on the front?

And to my good friend, Anonymous,
please wave your magic wand over Cedar Vale and surrounding territories, initiating the NEED for several flatbed trucks! Who knows, this may turn into a Cedar Vale Caravan!!!!!!!

Gary White said...

Dear CV nuts,

Wayne wanted our junket to be video taped. Anyone available for that task?

Elyn suggested that a local TV station should be alerted. Anyone have an in with the media?

This is totally out of control and I'm loving it!!

DFCox said...

Has anyone thought about notifying the Fredonia parade/celebration officials that we intend to do something? Don Shaffer, was that on your "to do" list? Also I think it would be a newsworthy item for the Fredonia newspaper--whatever it is.

Gary White said...

Hey Don, are you in contact with the Beggs? If not, I'll give them a call and warn them about the onslaught from CV on their little town.

The THINK system is working well. Now if I can make my lip cooperate!

Don Shaffer said...

I'm still new at this "blogging!" I did send in a blog stating that I have contacted the Fredonia Chamber of Commerce. And, We're in! I'll find out "our place" in the parade next week!

Good idea, Gary, regarding the newspaper coverage. I'll try to make contact with the Fredonia paper. If I run into a snag, I'll let you know!!

And, I will also contact G.A. and Madge regarding our involvement in the Oct.4 event!

Don Shaffer said...


Just called Fredonia's C of C. They suggest that an article be run 'after' the parade so that pictures, taken at the parade, could accompany the story! And, to top it off, Yvonne (C of C) will take care of all the details of notifying the paper and getting the wheels moving! Good move, I think! O.K. with everyone? And, Ynvonne divulged a startling piece of information!!!! MADGE AND G.A. ARE CO-PARADE MARSHALS!!!!! So, we must not forget Madge...and make it a SPECIAL DAY for her, too!
One last Yvonne story. She said, the parade marshall is typically at the head of the parade. With us being there, she's going to find out a way to make the connection between G.A./Madge and "The Old Timers Band" more evident! Whew!
Almost too much to take in at one time, right? :)

Don Shaffer said...

Just talked with Madge and G.A. My friends, this event was made in heaven! I asked Madge and G.A. what restaurant they would like to go to after the parade, so we could visit! Madge, in her always-nice way, said, "Well, I'm treasurer of our Methodist Ladies and we always serve a lunch after the parade! Won't you please come and join us? It's only $5.00 per person! Just give me the number that will be attending and we'll reserve a table for US and we'll have a great visit!" Can you believe that! I tell you folks, something's at work, here!!!! Madge also mentioned that their daughter, Georgia, would be there, too. G.A. and Madge are so excited!!!!

On another "note," Diane, some have indicated that a pick-up might not be big enough. Waiting to hear from you regarding a pick-up's capacity! My neighbor suggested a flat-bed truck/trailer of some sorts! I don't know much about flat-beds. A big, recliner is my speed these days!!! Later!

Don Shaffer said...

Knew I would forget something....
Diane and Nancy, Madge asked about you and had special things to say about you! Diane, I KNOW you'll be there!!! :) Gary and Nancy, how about you? You've GOT to be there! We don't have a bass drummer yet! I know one, or both, of you could do the "beat!" And, Wayne, have you ever played the snare drum? It's a lot like pitching...once you get on a "roll", there's nothing to it!!!

DFCox said...

A this point it looks like seven will be rolling in from Cedar Vale.

Unknown said...

Sorry, Don, but I will be thinking about you all. And looking forward to the video.

Don Shaffer said...

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Bob Marshall?

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Bob Marshall lives in Peabody. He doesn't teach any more but I believe he works at Senseney Music Store in Wichita. He also became an auctioneer which hit a soft spot with me since my Dad was also.

I've been so busy having house guests and a friend "camping" in my drive-way for the Walnut Valley Festival, a festival of accoustic music including bluegrass/folk/and lots of contests. I'll work on that pickup or truck in the morning and at least get started.

Glad to hear George and Madge are informed and happy about seeing us.
What a fun day!!! Can't wait!

DFCox said...

I just spoke to Bob's aunt and uncle here in CV. (The Kenneth Marshalls). Diane''s info is all correct, however an update is that he is in a precarious state of health. He had a lung removed (cancer) and he is on oxygen 24/7 He had to give up the auctioneering due to shortness of breath and whether or not he will be able to go back to work is a question.

Don Shaffer said...

Thanks, Diane and Don regarding Bob Marshall. I called him and he' coming! And, he's contacting band members from the 60's! He is very excited...and said that we will definitely need a flatbed truck/trailer!! So the beat goes on! We probably need to rehearse. My only concern is that we might wear ourselves out! :) When I hear from the C of C, regarding our position in the parade, we'll talk about a time and place to meet...and do a little rehearsing! In the meantime, continue with the "Think System!"

DFCox said...

Since we are going to have lunch at the Methodist Church after the Parade, I suggest it as a gathering place prior to the festivities. My plan is to come in my little PU so I can bring my scooter--for comfort and mobility. I could unload it there and keep using it until we return home.

Don Shaffer said...

13 days and counting!

Thanks to Diane for "pursuing" the truck! She said that Mike Young might be able to help us out! Don, the Methodist Church would be a great gathering place! I'll find the address...and then we can thank Mapquest for getting us there! The shirts will have CEDAR VALE HIGH SCHOOL (TOP LINE) and underneath, "OLD TIMERS BAND!" Unless I hear otherwise, we'll go with that. I have some of your sizes. Don, could you "estimate" the sizes of the others that are coming from C.V.? (Diane, I'll provide shirts for the "truck drivers!" if needed! I'll get shirts for G.A. and Madge, too. The cost of the shirts is $5.00. I'll be hearing from the C of C this week regarding our position in the parade, start time, etc. In the meantime, continue with the "Think System!"

DFCox said...

OK--Estimate---Diane, Gary, and Shirley would be Large. Coral Ann, Judy, and Jim (Judy's Hubby)would be XL, or even XXL in Jim's case. Mine should be XXXL.

Don Shaffer said...

The address for the First United Methodist Church in Fredonia is:

412 N. 8th St.

If you need their phone, it is:

(620) 378-2764

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I spoke with Mike Young last night and he thinks the trailer would be much easier for us oldsters to get on. But...he doesn't have one nor does he know of anyone who does.

I have been leaving messages for my Fredonia contact, but so far no response. I may resort to calling Yvonne (?) and picking her brain.

I don't have a sax or snare drum to play, but I can't help thinking about the think system. Only, every time I do I am thinking of "Minuet in G." I guess I've just watched the "Music Man" too many times!

Does anyone have a trailer hitch on a vehicle if we find a trailer we have to transport? If anyone sees a 20 ft. trailer around CV, stop them and see if we could beg, borrow or steal it for the 4th.
Someone should put an article on the front page of the CV Lookout and maybe the Sedan paper (which has a new name) asking for a trailer. We may get so many we won't know what to do!

Don Shaffer said...

Come on now, surely there is a person, out there, who has a trailer!

Don Shaffer said...

Come on now, surely there is a person, out there, who has a trailer!

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Come on now, surely there is a person out there who has a trailer!

Anonymous said...

A farm implement dealer around Fredonia might like to loan you a trailer for the advertising and good-will??

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I finally heard from my friend's brother and he has been looking for a trailer for us with no success. He said there is at least one organization in Fredonia who can't find a trailer or truck.

I've got a few ideas thanks to annonymous and others. I will pursue these and report back.

Again...everyone put your thinking caps on regarding our problem.

Anonymous said...

Alfalfa farmer usually have a big flat bed truck or trailer.

Don Shaffer said...

Thanks, Anonymous! Do you know any alfalfa farmers?

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Is Rolla Holland still around (did you know he was an All-American at K-State?)(F.B.)The Snyders? The Meldrums??

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

Save your "hoorays!" but it looks like we've found a trailer here in Winfield. We've got a detail or two to work out so keep your fingers crossed!

Diane Archer Bradbury said...


Don Cox found a trailer/pick-up right near Fredonia for us to use.
It's a long story but suffice it to be - we have our rig!!!

Now all I need is a bass drum. Anyone have such a thing at your house?

Anonymous said...

Maybe CVHS would loan Don a bass drum.

Don Shaffer said...

Diane and Don, you are "MIRACLE WORKERS!" Now that we have a flatbed with wheels, we are truly "ROLLIN'!" The great Shirley Brown and Coral Ann Magnus Team have been "hat hunting!" My friends, we will be wearing white Aussie hats with purple trim! With our purple/gold tee-shirts, riding high on a flatbed truck, playing the "Fight Song," "Saints," and some Alma Mater thrown in for good "musical" measure," there will be sights and sounds, seldom witnessed or heard on this Earth!
Got to find a bass drum for Diane!

I should hear from the C of C today, as to our position in the parade, time and place to meet before the parade, and location of the nearest First Aid Stations! You'll be the first to know when that info comes in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Fredonia C of C and the Beggs would welcome the present day CVHS band to perform in addition to the oldsters??

Don Shaffer said...

Good idea, Anonymous! Your contact on that would be Matt Fischer, the present CVHS band director!

Don Shaffer said...

Good idea, Anonymous! Your contact on that would be Matt Fischer, the present CVHS band director!

Diane Archer Bradbury said...

I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake or something. But in spite of my lack of....whatever...I don't know who is offering advice in the name of "anonymous." Come on out and fess up!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - why would you want the present CVHS band to steal the thunder of the old timers? Not a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't want to interfere, was just trying to help, but I will shut-up.

Don Shaffer said...


Our position in the parade is at
12th and Madison. We will assemble there at 10:00 a.m. Hats, tee-shirts, and courage will be dispensed! The parade will end close to the Methodist Church, where we will eat lunch with G.A. and Madge. Hopefully, all of you will be able to ride on the flatbed truck...or close to it! A BIG THANKS to Don C. and Diane B. for securing the flatbed for us! All of us will have a few stories to tell, won't we???!!! I am in contact with the Wilson County Citizen, Fredonia's newspaper. They are going to do a story on us!
There may not be enough "newspaper"
to do that! Please let me know if I have forgotten anything. I can't wait to see all of you, as well as G.A. and Madge! Keep safe and keep well!!!!

DFCox said...

Friends, it is a flatbed trailer, not a truck, it will be pulled by a PU. The trailer will be much easier to get on and off--lower. All this assumes the party in Fredonia doesn't let us down, but I think not.

Don Shaffer said...

It's Sunday night. Seven days until "THE DAY!" Don't know about you, but this has been a journey! Journeys are wonderful! They lead to destinations that may seem improbable. Yet, this journey, this once in a life-time journey, is "propable!" This journey brings us together, on a flatbed trailer of life! This journey, will last through many parades, through many moments that we can only call, "MAGIC!" As I look back, and then look forward, I think of YOU! For you are family, and always will be! Always know, that when your life seems at a little ebb, you will have a host of friends, a host of people who will always be there for you! I know! This probably seems a bit maudlin. This is not to be! For you, my friends, are part of a tapestry that will hang on the walls of "never will forget." I love you and to the day I die, you will remain, "purple and gold is our cry, VICTORY!" See you Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don Shaffer said...


Line-up for the parade is 10:00 a.m. at 12th and Madison. Parade starts at 11:00 a.m. Is everyone squared away? (If needed, my home phone is 816 246 1604; cell phone is 816 668 4214) The weather forecast is EXCELLENT!! Just called G.A. Madge is in the hospital with some pneumonia problems!!! Should get out today, as she is feeling much better!
Remember, we'll eat at the Methodist Church, following the parade. THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP! Don't hesitate to call if I can be of help. SEE YOU SATURDAY!

Anonymous said...

It is 11:08 in Benbrook, TX and I'm thinking of you guys playing in the parade as I write. This has been a great journey for you. I'm impressed with all of the preparation, your enthusiasam, and your camaraderie. Great job ! I'm ALMOST envious. Let we bloggers hear about the good time had today.

Anonymous said...

The last posting is mine. I don't do anonymous so don't know why my name isn't there. I'll try again with this one.

Don Shaffer said...


The prelude of the night before the parade was one of thunder and lightning! While trying to rest my eyes at the Fredonia Inn, I prayed, "Dear God, please don't let it rain on G.A.'s parade!" In the morning, I hastened to look up at the clouds and what they might portend and thought, "there's a chance, there is some blue in the sky!! As my wife, Shirley, and I left for the parade route and were getting out of our car at the Methodist Church, I saw Shirley Brown, Coral Ann Magnus and Joleen Sartin. I can't describe that "magic moment", just that it was! Then came Bob Marshall, Phil Foust, Diane Bradbury, Don Cox, Judy McCall, and Gary White, who made all of this possible through the CV Memories Blog! And then, to find "our" flatbed trailer rolling into place, with Johnny Hayes driving and Jim McCall riding "shotgun," gave me to know that "all was well in THIS SPECIAL PLACE! To see the hats, the banners proudly displayed on the hood of our pickup, and along side, and the bass drum, gave me want to stand up and shout, "PURPLE AND GOLD IS OUR CRY, V I C T O R Y! ARE WE IN IT, WELL I GUESS, CEDAR VALE HIGH SCHOOL, "YES, YES, YES!" To capsulize the remainder of the day would take more pages than this "blog" might endure! I can only say a BIG THANKS to all of you who gave, a labor of love! Isn't it strange that love never labors, it just keeps on loving!? G.A. felt it. Madge felt it. And, as G.A. said, "If you live long enough, good things happen to you!" I thank God that we lived long enough for this GOOD THING to happen to all of us! I must commend the CVHSOTB for their endurance in playing, "When The Saints Go Marching In," well over 100 times!!! The crowd loved it!
And, a lasting impression will be of G.A. coming to "our" flatbed to greet us! Not only did he greet us, but he got "on board" and played somes tunes with us! In fact, the parade coordinator finally had to come over and say, "G.A., you've got to get into the convertible, NOW!" All of us knew that he would have rather been riding with us! Well, there you have it! Couldn't tell you everything that happened....but thanks for staying with this blog this long! P.S. A BIG THANKS also goes to all of you, who were not members of the CVHSOTB and yet gave us ideas and encouragement all along the way! Just wish you could have been there! It was truly a MAGIC MOMENT!!!!!

Gary Metcalf said...

To all old timers band members and assistants....Sound like you all had a memorable experience and a magical moment in time. Nancy and I wished we could have been there...but our plans are to be in CV the last of Oct and to many arrangements and people involved to change plans..Besides I don't look forward to the 1400 mile round trip and I sure didn't want to do it twice. CONGRATS TO ALL YOU PARTICIPATES...YOU DID CV ALUMNI PROUD